Monday, April 28, 2014

Monday, Day 142(38)

Reading Log Due 5/9

Class on Tuesday

  1. Watch this Brainpop Video for an overview. (username: newtonps password:brainpop)
  2. Complete the form from Monday's Social Studies Class
  3. Begin planning and working on the assignment in Google docs (Water Crisis Assignment)  It is due on Friday.

No Homework

Quiz corrections are due Wednesday 4/30, re-takes must be done by Friday 4/5

Science binder checks are coming home today and tomorrow, please have them signed by your parents and returned to me by Friday.

Quiz corrections are due on Wednesday 4/30
If you choose to work on your science quiz corrections there are some specific directions. If it is a vocabulary question write out the definition with the correct word in it. The other questions you can just write the correct part or charge. You will not need to retake the entire quiz.